Monday, August 15, 2011

7/15/11 All Faces of Hemingway

All faces of Hemingway:


7/15/11 Write-Stuff/Read-Stuff

Six Great Books on Writing
1. The Situation and the Story: The Art of Personal Narrative,
by Vivian Gornick
2. Bird by Bird .. . Some Instructions on Writing and Life, by Anne Lamott
3.  If  You Want to Write: A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit, by Brenda Ueland
4.  One Year to a Writing Life: Twelve Lessons to Deepen Every Writer’s Art and Craft,
 by Susan M. Tiberghien
5.  Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within,
by Natalie Goldberg
6. The Courage to Write: How Writers Transcend Fear, by Ralph Keyes

7/15/11 Excerpts: P. D. James "Talking About Detective Fiction"

Excerpts . . . 
"I see the detective story as a subspecies of the crime novel. The crime novel can include a remarkable variety of works from the cosy certainties of Agatha Christie, through Anthony Trollope and Graham Greene, to the great Russians. The detective story may be considered more limited in scope and potential. The reader can expect to find a central mysterious death, a closed circle of suspects each with credible motive, means and opportunity for the crime, a detective, either amateur or professional, who comes in like an avenging deity to solve it , . . .  - P. D. James

07/15/11 Excerpts: "Bird by Bird," by Anne Lamott

Excerpts . . .  

from bird by bird ... some instructions on writing and life, by Anne Lamott

"Thirty years ago my other brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report on birds written that he'd had three months to write. [It] was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother's shoulder, and said, 'Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird."

7/15/11 In Memoriam: E. M. Broner

E. M. Broner
07/08/1930 - 06/22/2011
Jewish Feminist Writer
for more:

7/15/11 In Memoriam: Newton Thornburg

Newton Thornburg
05/13/1929 - 05/09/2011
Cutter and Bone
for more:

07/15/11 In Memoriam: David Fayfiel

David Rayfiel
09/09/1923 - 06/22/2011
Screenwriter - Out of Africa
for more:

07/15/2011 Insights . . . Melissa Foster

Insights . . . on Melissa Foster

Everyone knows the publishing industry of today “ain’t what it used to be!” Many authors who would have toiled for years in an attempt to be published now benefit from previously unheard of technology and have completely turned the tables on the publishing world. Independent publishing methods have become one of the fastest-growing segments in
the industry – and with good cause.

Authors such as Melissa Foster, whose written works include the titles of Chasing Amanda and Megan’s Way  are being considered for Global Ebook Awards and at least one movie adaptation in the wings, have shown others writers that “if you follow your dreams,” it really can be done.  Ms. Foster is now garnering her fair share of acclaim from the writing and reading world.

As a determined writer, Melissa first wrote “for paper” along with having the foresight to develop a gathering to support and further her writing efforts. She decided upon a theme and developed a website ( to encourage a gathering that found its legs through the willing and supportive eyes of women everywhere – and continued writing. And, now her “paper” books are published in ebook formats as well.

But,  here’s the deal: She never lost sight of her true goal of becoming an author vs. a writer. Those first published books were hawked, peddled and promoted in every arena Melissa felt was appropriate. Along the way, she developed another website to promote her writing: And, it worked. 
When I asked her what advice she would give to writers who are considering publishing solely in the ebook format, she gave the following response:  

“I write for the traditional market as well as the ebook market, so I can only speak to that end. I don’t believe there is a significant difference between the two, as far as wiring goes.  I would hope that the same high quality work must go into each.   

My advice to any new writer is to write the best book you are able. You have one reputation, and if a reader dislikes your first book, there's a very slim chance they'll pick up your second. For that reason, taking your time, editing, perfecting, and making sure that your book is the best quality it can be will serve you well. Many writers are pumping out e-books in six and seven weeks, simply because it's been shown that the more e-books you have the better they'll sell.  My motto is ‘quality above quantity.’ 

Both publishing formats have benefits, though I think the sheer revenue of publishing is pointing toward the success of e-books. Then, again, it's all about the marketing."

07/15/2011 Inspirations Anthony Grooms

Inspirations:  Anthony Grooms
Anthony Grooms believes in what he writes.  I’m told there are two standard rules for writing; one of which is “Read! Read! Read!” and the other is “Write what you know.” With five brothers and sisters “Tony” found himself, as a 12-year-old, in the middle of a household inclusive of parents who dared not only to dream for a

better education for their children, but also had a plan to implement one.  It began with enrolling their son in the Freedom of Choice program. And, in short, changed the life of this young boy forever.  We, as readers, continue to reap the benefits of the experiences and perseverance of Anthony Grooms in that life-changing experience. 

As a two-time recipient of the Lillian Smith Award ( Tony Grooms is best-known for his published works entitled Trouble No More and Bombingham.When I asked him how it felt to be a recipient for this award his humble reply was, “I felt very honored to receive an award named for Lillian Smith. I hold her as a model for the writer of conscience – one whose vision has made the South a more just place. To have been given the award twice means two times the gratitude and three times the honor.”

Serving as the Professor of Creative Writing and Interim Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies Department for Kennesaw State University, Grooms knows how to hold an audience’s attention. The collection of short stores in Trouble No More, first published in 1995, is one that demonstrates how a single idea of equality for everyone manifested itself in times of painful growth of black Americans during the oppressive Jim Crow years. From the first story of Uncle Beasley’s Courtship to the last, Rocket 88, the continuing thread of their struggle reminds the reader of the perceptions of what “equality” really was on both sides of the black and white fence. Trouble No More was also named the 2006 Book All Georgia Reads by the Georgia Center for the Book.

Bombingham takes us on a righteous journey with Walter Burke, also known as “Tibbs” who is the son of a middle-class black family. Sorting out the effects of senseless bombing responses to the Civil Rights Movement in Birmingham, Alabama coinciding with his mandated duty as an American soldier in the Viet Nam War, Tibbs is confronted with ideals instilled in him by both his family and the church.  Finding the balance between a conscientious struggle for equality and the conflicting obligation of fighting in an unwinnable war, at a time when black people weren’t even sure their votes were counted, proves to be a process that is well worth the reader’s time. As a privileged child who spent her summers in the Birmingham bedroom-community of Shades Mountain, it comes as no surprise to me that Bombingham was awarded the 2002 Lillian Smith award for Fiction.

Mr. Grooms believes that writers are both born and made. With an inherent “inclination toward language and narrative, and through disciplined learning we make ourselves good crafters.” He advises writers of “conscience and art” to “seek the communion of our kind” identifying them at their “writing desks, in the classroom or in the cancer ward. We are among the serious folk in the serious places of the world.”  He also urges them to “seek out our companionship and to learn from us how to live and write well.”  To watch and listen to Tony on the subject of experimentation of writing, please visit:

On the merits of paid writing competitions, he states: “It is a mark of the low esteem in which literary writing, especially poetry and short fiction, are held by our society that we submit to paid literary competitions. I understand that such competitions are both a way to vet and to debut new writers by what are resource-poor publishing houses. But that literary publishers – the institutions that give voice to our cultural values and national aspirations – are so capital poor, would be, one would think the great shame of a wealthy nation.  It is tantamount to submitting great works to a publishing lottery, a gamble that ensures many worthy works will lose – and yet, it has always been the case, since the beginning of American literary writing. Even before the paid competition became the routine, our publishing had a narrow gate. How many Faulkners or Wrights or Weltys have gone to their graves undiscovered, we shall never know.”  In his continuing effort to encourage writers; however, his observations include: “We have more resources available to us than writers of any time in history – not only paid competitions, but the internet, and on-demand publishing. Use them!  But, also keep in mind that our small press institutions would be less poor, if we also purchased literary books and otherwise supported these presses we hope so dearly to win recognition from.” 

Anthony Grooms is in the position to influence many potential authors in the coming years.  When I asked him why he writes, he gave me several answers. He used words like “fun,” “sense of satisfaction” and “divertissement from the daily grind,” and then summed it up with the following statement: “When young, I wanted fame, riches and to incite social revolution. These days, it is enough to write – dream as I might – and know the blessed privilege of being able to do both.”     Makes sense to me! 
For more:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Recommended Reading ... for Writers

Here are a few books on writing that everyone can benefit from:
